QR Codes
As our popular dynamic links that open documents such as Planning Decision notices, Sections 106 Agreements, Article 4 Directions etc only work when the Search is viewed electronically, we decided to take this one step further and introduce QR Codes for when the...Dynamic Links
Our unique implementation of the dynamic links located in the summary sheet, remains in the new Local Authority Search. When viewing the Local Authority Search on screen, these dynamic links open up documents such as Planning Application Decision notices, Sections 106...New and Improved Local Authority Search Brought To You By PALI
We are pleased to announce the recent launch of our interactive Regulated Local Authority Search. The enhanced report provides an intuitive user experience that is sure to improve the way people access and use the data within the Search. The functionality of the PALI...Report on Title/Searches Software
Read about PALI’s upcoming integration using Report on Title/Searches software