Pali Teesside become member of the Infant Hercules Charity Club

Pali Teesside are proud to support Middlesbrough and Teesside’s Philanthropic Foundation and have become a member of the Infant Hercules Charity Club.

Middlesbrough & Teesside Philanthropic Foundation is a movement, a powerful force for good. The Foundation is all about Teessiders fighting for Teesside together. 

The foundation has more than 40 Patrons such as local businesses and wealthy individuals who make considerable annual donations to the foundation, changing lives to the less fortunate in Teesside. To read more about the Infant Hercules Charity Club and the benefits please CLICK HERE

The Philanthropic foundation is keen to attract more individuals and businesses to make Teesside a better place to live and work. 

Their donations are reinvested into the community to help those in need. The Patrons get involved with the funding application decisions, present the cheques and awards to our Teesside heroes and golden giveaway winners. 

If you would like to donate please CLICK HERE.



